Debate – 12/01/14

Debate is a formal discussion on a particular topic in a public meeting or legislative assembly, in which opposing arguments are put forward. -Google

Debate is to discuss (something) with people whose opinions are different from your own. -Merriam-Webster

Last December 1, 2014, our teacher gave us topics to debate on and our class was divided into 2 groups for Affirmative and Negative side. We debated about the issues nowadays like:

» Is Facebook a safe social networking site or not?

» Is going online a necessity nowadays or not?

» Is downloading in Torrent okay or not?

The debate ended with a winner and our group won.

What I can say about the first topic is that Facebook is indeed a safe social networking site. There is a Privacy Setting that you can change if you want to. You can either make your posts or photos visible to Friends, Friends of Friends, Public, Only Me or you can even Customize the setting if who are the people allowed to see your posts and photos and you can also hide it to specific persons. With that, you can have your social life private and safe. So, Facebook is a safe social networking site.

For the second topic, I agree with going online is not a necessity nowadays. Life is changing drastically and we can’t stop it. Technologies are everywhere. But as what I have understood about necessity is that it is referring to the things that we cannot live without, like food, water, air and etc. So, I can conclude that we, as humans, can live without going online. Therefore, going online is not a necessity.

I can say that I agree to the third topic given which is Torrenting is okay and I also disagree ’cause I don’t use Torrent that much. I agree that Torrenting is okay since not everyone can afford to watch movies, to buy a software application and etc. But I also disagree since downloading in Torrent is pirating, and pirating is stealing, and stealing is a sin. So again, in this third topic, I can’t choose between affirmative and negative.

SO THAT’S IT! My thoughts about our debate. Thank you for taking time to read. Have a great day! 🙂

xoxo -Melanie ♥