IT Careers and the Global IT Talent

Today, December 10, the Group 1 had their reporting for Presentation 1. Their topic was about IT Careers and IT Global Talent. Their presentation was boring but quite interesting since it was well explained at the last part of their presentation. And also, I think there is a need for us to pay attention because they will be giving a quiz afterwards. I guess nobody doesn’t like to receive a zero score on their quizzes.

So if we are going to talk about IT Careers, our world nowadays has so many jobs to offer. There are also so many careers that you can choose from, such as being a System Analyst, Systems Administrator, Support Specialist and so on. But the question is, do we have the skill or the talent that can reach to the company’s expectations?… Here in ICT (Information and Communications Technology) in the USC (University of San Carlos), they mold us to become the best persons in the IT Industry. They want us to enhance the skills and talents that we have or acquire it through learning. Skills can be acquired if you are just willing to learn. Talents are inborn and you will just have to develop it more. The Group 1 also state the Pros and Cons in being in the IT Industry. I can’t talk much about what they have reported ’cause the info they have given to us wasn’t able to retain in my mind.

After the reporting, they gave the quiz through a group activity which is raising our illustration boards for our answers. Luckily, the questions were easy and our group was able to answer the questions correctly. Thanks for our teamwork and the attentiveness we had during the Group 1’s reporting. Our group, the Group 6, was the highest. We got 10/11, other groups got 9 and 8. Not bad!

I think that’s all for now. I badly need to publish this and send the link to our teacher. ‘Til next time! 🙂

xoxo -Melanie ♥